Monday, February 25, 2019
7:30 to 9:15 p.m.
(networking follows the program)
IWOSC members – free
Non-members – $15
I'm very excited to be moderating a writer's panel at IWOSC next Monday on writing health & wellness. It's a field I've been working in since I started editing over 25 years ago, and this market has continued to be popular with readers.
My panel of experts will share their hard-earned insights and tips for success.
Emily Dwass, the author of the forthcoming book, Diagnosis Female, scheduled to be published in Fall 2019 by the leading indie publisher, Rowman & Littlefield. She's a great example of how building a track record of success with articles can help you get published the traditional way.
Derek Doepker, the self-published author of over six best-selling books in health, self-help, and authorship. In addition to being a prolific writer, he's one smart marketer in the self-publishing arena, and he will share some of his techniques.
Jerri Sher, an Emmy-Award-winning wellness filmmaker in production of Quiet Explosions, a documentary feature about TBI, traumatic brain injury, and PTS, post-traumatic stress, in veterans and athletes. This Golden Year of the Documentary is a great time to learn about this market.
Steve Hutson, a literary agent and founder of WordWise Media Services. Steve is a writer himself so to me that makes him extra special as a scribe's rep.
I'll be moderating, and I'll also share my story of how I got into the fields of editing health books and later ghostwriting health titles for experts.
A little background on me... Robin Quinn has been in the book biz for more than two and a half decades. She is an award-winning book editor, book coach and ghostwriter. Robin specializes in self-help, health, nutrition, spirituality, business, and the media, and she also works with uplifting memoir and fiction. Her book projects include Patricia Fitzgerald’s small press best-seller The Detox Solution, Susan Moss’s alternative health title Survive Cancer! and Ruth Frechman’s The Food Is My Friend Diet (Best Nutrition book / Indie Excellence Awards). Since the early 90s, Robin has produced and moderated panels related to books and writing – for such groups as the Independent Writers of Southern California (IWOSC), Publishers Association of Los Angeles (PALA), Greater Los Angeles Writers Society (GLAWS), Author’s Corner, and more.
Vet’s Building, 4117 Overland Avenue, Culver City, CA 90230
To RSVP and for more info, go to:
See you there!